Targeted Short Breaks Allowance Pre-Paid Cards
Herefordshire Council has introduced a new pre-paid card for making targeted short breaks payments to parent/carers of children and young people with disabilities.
The pre-paid card works like a bank card. You can use it to pay for the services you use to meet your child’s assessed needs. Herefordshire Council will pay your child’s targeted short breaks onto your pre-paid card. The card can be used to pay for services by using;
Internet Banking
Telephone Banking
Contactless Payments
Chip and Pin
For more information, please follow this link
Keeping Children Safe Online
With the recent lockdown and ongoing pandemic, children and young people have been using the internet more than ever. There are some amazing benefits to being able to access the internet but there are also some risks.
Check out some of the links below to discover safer ways of accessing the internet and apps with your child.
Advice, information and tips to stay safe online.
O2 NSPCC Advice Line
Call 0808 8005002 for advice on how to set up parental controls, privacy settings or around social media.
Educational resources to help children stay safe online.
Advice and information around reporting online sexual abuse. Click on the button for more information.
Lots of useful information and resources to help keep your child safe online
Useful Links
Big stars little stars
Our Big stars, Little stars Directory provides useful information for parents, carers and families of children with disabilities. It includes:
- a list of services
- helpful resources
- organisations who provide funding for holidays, equipment and more
- support groups
Herefordshire Activities Together
Check out the new Herefordshire Activities Together (HAT) brochure for local activities
Contact supports families with a wide range of guidance and information. They also provide some very useful information on completing Disability Living Allowance forms.
Herefordshire Council Short Breaks
Herefordshire Council offers a range of services to provide short breaks and respite for families of disabled children. Families can also access short breaks allowances, although there is an eligibility criteria. If your child or young person does not qualify for this but does need targeted support, families can apply via the special circumstances application.
Shropshire Council Short Breaks
Shropshire Council provide short breaks through the All In Programme.
Herefordshire Carers Support
Herefordshire Carers Support provides a range of support to carers.
SENDIAS is a support service for parents and carers of children and young people, up to the age of 25, who have special educational needs and disabilities.
IPSEA offers free information, advice and support to help you get the right education for your child or young person with special educational needs and disabilities.
Carers Trust
Carers Trust provides information, advice and practical support to unpaid carers.
Talk Community Directory
The Talk Community Directory is an information and signposting service for Herefordshire and has a very helpful page on the Herefordshire Local Offer for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Navigate is a 6-week programme that puts you in touch with a personal adviser, who will help you to talk about your feelings and concerns. To be eligible you must live in England or Wales and have a child under 18 years of age, who is going through or has received a diagnosis in the last year.